



AHPRA is now launching With Tripoli Phoenix at their new locations.

Links to TRAPHX

Launch dates

Launch site info

January 2014 Launch. Pictures: Pad Camera On-Board Video Diablo


We are following the Tripoli Research rules at the launches. The new TRA rules now allow NAR members over 18 years to launch. Both commercial and research motors may be used. Certification flights may be made at these launches.

All are welcome at the launches, Estes to M's are commonly flown. The club does not set up launch equipment for monthly launches although there is some belonging to members that may be used. If you require any special equipment bring it yourself.

AHPRA/XRAA also sponsors BALLS, also referred to as The Tripoli National Experimental Launch at the Black Rock Desert in Northern Nevada.

If the launch date is near a holiday, a major regional launch or the week of LDRS or BALLS contact AHPRA for status.


Map to launch site

Contact AHPRA


Launches Meetings BALLS Bowling Ball Loft

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